This is the paragraph tag. Think of a paragraph as a block of text.
<p>Something really cool</p>
Something really cool
By itself it doesn't "do" much except act as a sort of a container. And with most browsers, starting a new paragraph has the effect of skipping a line.
<p>Something really cool</p>
<p>like an icecube</p>
Something really cool
like an icecube
So, what else is this <p> tag good for? Well, it's great for aligning stuff.
<p align="left">Something really cool</p>
<p align="center">like an icecube</p>
<p align="right">or a popsicle</p>
<p align="left">
Something really cool<br>
like an icecube<br>
or a popsicle</p><p align="center">
Something really cool<br>
like an icecube<br>
or a popsicle</p><p align="right">
Something really cool<br>
like an icecube<br>
or a popsicle</p>
Something really cool
like an icecube
or a popsicle
Something really cool
like an icecube
or a popsicle
Something really cool
like an icecube
or a popsicle
Something really cool
like an icecube
or a popsicle
Another simple way to center stuff on your page is the <center> tag. Everything between the center tags gets centered. Can't get simpler than that ;-)